MILAN, 9 MAY – Venice welcomed the “Pro Biennale” at the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro, an exhibition dedicated to contemporary art and design. To cut the ribbon of the exhibition, Vittorio Sgarbi on his birthday he wanted to celebrate together with the artists and the manager of culture and President of Spoleto Arte Salvo Nugnes who organized the event. “I think of this day of my birthday as a mournful day because I approach death – began Vittorio Sgarbi celebrated among others by Katia Ricciarelli, Pippo Franco, Silvana Giacobini, José Dalì, Alberto D’Atanasio, Roberto Villa, Enio Drovandi , Enrico Cipriani and Patrick Ray Pugliese – I am here today therefore with a double pain: for my advancing age and for the failure of the artists who are denied the right attention they deserve “. “It is important – said Nugnes – to give the right space to these artists who otherwise would not have other opportunities to emerge”.