Press release
“The World of Suskov” brings Vittorio Sgarbi to the Titan
The Exhibition “Il Mondo di Suskov”, a monographic exhibition dedicated to the Russian architect, sculptor and painter Fedor Kuz’mich Suskov, an icon of the 20th century that gives voice to an entire generation of artists and writers, who knew how to cultivate their religiosity, without bending to the Stalinist cultural dictatorship.
The exhibition brings to San Marino over 30 of the most representative works of the immense production, chosen under the guidance of the critic and curator, Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi, who will preside over the inauguration and which in Suskov sees represented “the Russian twentieth century in his dual essence: political and spiritual. His sculpture follows institutional dictates, while his painting listens to the voice of the soul. Suskov “continues Sgarbi in the first criticism sent to the Centro Studi” has the ability to graphically and chromatically translate a complex religious and theological sentiment. His brush does not stop at the reproduction of nature, but penetrates it, traverses it from within. It is a ritual, which contains in itself the strength to transmute the technique into lyrical representation and the vision into transvision ”.
Great then the wait to see exposed the masterpieces of this versatile artist who will be exhibited from February 21st to March 21st 2015 at the Palazzo Arzilli Gallery with free admission with the following opening hours: every day 10.00am – 1.00pm and 2.30pm – 7.30pm.
Aware of the intellectual value of the artist, the Study Center, coordinated by James Martins, is committed to bringing its history and works to the most prestigious places on the cultural scene so as to guarantee the right visibility to this cultural treasure.
“I chose the Republic of San Marino,” says Anna Nazarova, grandson of the artist and promoter of the initiative “as the seat of the Study Center and as the starting point for a series of international exhibitions that will end in 2016, in its first part, with the commemorations for the ten years of my grandfather’s death “.
And our Republic has welcomed the initiative that today boasts three Patronages (State Secretariat for Education and Culture, Secretariat of State for Tourism, State Secretariat for Industry) and boasts the support of the Arzilli Gallery and of the jewelery shop of the same name, CIS and the Grand Hotel Group but also of the Embassy of San Marino in Switzerland and the Russian Consulate in San Marino.
Some of the paintings exhibited in San Marino will then be put up for sale, following this delicate aspect, Eva Dulikova Frisoni, former curator of Russiart, was appointed as Art Director, an event that last year became a cult in the panorama of cultural interchange Russia / San Marino / Italy.
“For a long time I didn’t want to sell my grandfather’s works,” says Anna Nazarova, “but then I realized that this passage would have been obligatory to spread his thoughts, his art and to be truly executor of his will. The message that the paintings and sculptures convey is so current that it makes the search for prestigious situations in which to exhibit this art, which for too long could not come out of Russia and which today with pride and affection I am ready to show in the world”.
Dimensione Eventi srl – Rossela Fugaro